I am currently working on epublishing Dreams & Secrets and Magnetic Attraction. Hopefully they will both be available soon.
UPDATE: 5/23/12
A successful author advised me to reconsider epub until I pursue hardcopy publishing again, for the benefits of distribution and potential profits. I am considering my options. The ebook/epub option is currently on hold.
As a precaution, I've asked another peer, from the Brazos Writers group this time, to critique both novels. I am awaiting response. I am confident that she, as a teacher, will be brutally honest, red pen and all. I am hoping for the best [I love it!], dreading the worst [It's terrible.]--
UPDATE: 6/1/12
So far so good! She finished one and is into the second. Positive feedback, and I asked her to be brutal. I am now leaning toward giving traditional publishing another try. It seems like the smartest way right now.