Wednesday, December 31, 2014

JUST FOR FUN: Pix of Me from 17 to 65

                                         In this siblings photo, can you tell which one is me?
                                                                (Hint: Black blazer)

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

WATCH FOR IT! Paperback versions coming soon!

Widow's Web: A Jim Cavanaugh Saga will be available on Amazon in paperback version in January. I'm preparing Mysterious Castle for paperback at this time. Hopefully it will be available later in January. One at a time, I hope to have the other three readied to have all on Amazon as paperbacks. My goal is February. I hope to branch out to Barnes and Noble and other outlets sometime in 2015. Happy New Year!

I'm having trouble finding time to write. Corporate Snare, another Jim Cavanaugh Saga, is underway but temporarily being neglected. 'Tis the holiday season. Happy Holidays one and all. We'll have a Merry Christmas at our home.

To think, I would have been at this stage two years ago, except for the editting of Widow's Web, if I hadn't heeded the advice of others to take the traditional route. Three would have been on the market for three years already. Bah Humbug. ;)  Wasted time. It's not easy for newbies to get noticed. Manuscripts were returned within minutes of receipt, literally back to the post office in less than half an hour per tracking info. I picture someone opening the packages at a post office table and sending back the ones that had SASE* supplies within, dumping everything into a blue shredding bin, and leaving with a manageable handful after sending the rejects back.
* Self-addressed Stamped Envelope

UPDATE 1/13/15:  I have all five novels in hand to proof. This proofing step is simply to review the bound copy and cover for format and a readthrough for any overlooked typos. Since thorough review and reading is necessary, it will by no means be an overnight accomplishment. I can only do one at a time. The first one I decided to tackle is the smallest. I have found a few adjustments to be made with hyphenation and a couple of corrections (such as a comma that slipped through as a period and a missing letter). I'm getting close to completing the final readthrough on Mysterious Castle, and then off to the longest, Widow's Web, saving the three middle ones for last. Maybe I should flip a coin to decide the order for Dreams & Secrets, Magnetic Attraction, and Turnabout in Fair Play.