Sunday, January 25, 2015

PAPERBACK VERSIONS of 5 NOVELS February 2-6, 2015 (via

My novels about be released as paperbacks for sale on Amazon in the next 7 days!
Follow my author's page: 

About to be released:
Turnabout in Fair Play  [Amazon has it in the queue for February 2-4]
Dreams & Secrets  [Amazon has it in the queue for February 4-6]
Magnetic Attraction  [Amazon has it in the queue for February 4-6]
* Widow's Web  [Amazon has it in the queue for February 4-6]
Mysterious Castle  [Amazon has it in the queue for February 4-6]

Please read and rate for me. 

Delayed by the learning curve, there were some technical changes made, such as changing the cover paper from Matte to Glossy and the paper from Cream to White, and a final read-through for layout and previously missed imperfections. 

Amazon provides print-on-demand for books. The ebook versions are already available on Amazon. Any ebook glitches found have been corrected. (If any more are discovered, they too will be corrected.) If you think you found one or more, please let me know. I'd love to hear from you!

If you are wondering the order in which they were written, it is Dreams & Secrets, Magnetic Attraction, Turnabout in Fair Play, Mysterious Castle, and Widow's Web: A Jim Cavanaugh Saga

Warning for readers in other languages: 
Two of the novels will have problems converting to other languages: 
Dreams & Secrets and Turnabout in Fair Play
Rather than indicating whenever a character speaks with a dialect, those dialects are written for spiciness, a little seasoning to get the feel of it. I was writing with Americans in mind, but non-USA readers could find it frustrating even in English. I feel the same way reading Shakespeare, yet I love the challenge.