Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Four E-Books on Amazon

I have four ebooks on Amazon now:
Dreams & Secrets
Magnetic Attraction
Turnabout in Fair Play
Mysterious Castle

Search under my name as DuannaLee Petersen-Griffin to get directly to them.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Two More E-Published with Amazon

That makes three novels published as ebooks on Amazon within 24 hours. So far three have sold, as of yesterday morning. It is interesting that the one I got the publishing offer on is the one that hasn't sold yet. (I rejected the offer.) Check them out on my website: duannalee.wix.com/petersen-griffin -- The Buy It Now buttons connect you to Amazon.

On Amazon, if you search for my whole name they show up, otherwise they get lost in the shuffle from the search. DuannaLee Petersen-Griffin lists my books first! (Petersen-Griffin pulls up Petersens and Griffins, even though that is the name it should recognizefor me. Duanna first pulls up a lot of other authors named Duanna.)

Monday, September 15, 2014

First Book Published

My first novel written was e-published tonight on Amazon: Dreams & Secrets. My previewing readership feedback left me in a quandary. A couple stopped reading early on, well trained by tradition. As soon as the couple married the story ended, ha! Not so. So I split it into 5 sections. None of my other novels follow that pattern. Dreams & Secrets came to me like a freight train one evening and wouldn't let me rest until it was finished two weeks later. Then I tweaked it for two weeks. I had burned the candle at both ends, so needed to rest up for a month. After that, I responded to critiques while I busily wrote other novels.

Check out my website: duannalee.wix.com/petersen-griffin
It's still very new to me, but I hope it is easy to access for y'all.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Self-Publishing with Amazon

I've been busy! After turning down a publishing contract that was totally unacceptable, I decided to epub. I have been working on that, with delays by a broken foot/ankle and severe allergies, I'm finally there. I hope to have my frst three novels available through Amazon in September. Yes, this month! I'll keep you posted.